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Cracks & Joints

Smith's Epoxy FW38

Epoxy FW38

Fast Curing 2-Component Waterborne Epoxy Primer & Sealer
Product Quantity 1.25 gal
Colours Clear (WSC Color Packs sold separately)
Working Time 45 Minutes
Pot Life 1 Hour
Dry Time 60-90 Minutes TF | 3 Hours Fast Cure | 3-24 Hours RC | 10 Hours FT | 24-36 Hours HFT | 7 Days FC
SF Or LF 229 SF | 160 SF
Area Or Depth 7 mils | 10 mils
Floor Or Wall Floors & Walls
Interior or Exterior Interior
Tensile Strength (PSI) 4000
TF Tack Free
RC Recoat
FT Foot Traffic
LT Light Traffic
DT Dry Through
FC Full Cure
HFT Heavy Foot Traffic (Forklift)
VT Vehicular Traffic
FUT Full Traffic
  • Smith’s Epoxy FW38 is a 2-component, low odour, 38% solids waterborne epoxy primer and sealer for use over concrete, wood, and a variety of other substrates

  • RECOMMENDED USES: Bonds to properly prepared, sound & solid: Concrete, CMU & Light Weight Concrete; Wood (APA Exterior or Marine rated)

  • Inert to High pH levels; Easy to Apply; Solid colours possible with addition of Smith’s WSC Color Packs (sold separately); Soap & Water Clean-up while wet; Low Odour & VOC’s

  • LIMITATIONS: Industrial and wheeled traffic / fork lift traffic require a minimum of an ICRI CSP - 3 profile is required for mechanical preparation (See TDS); For water immersion conditions, a minimum of an ICRI CSP 3 profile is required for mechanical preparation; Wood substrates, including new, require sanding or grinding surface preparation NOT U.V Stable - Clear material not suitable for exterior use. Will chalk and discolour with U.V. exposure; Fisheyes are a result of surface contamination

  • NECESSARY TOOLS and EQUIPMENT: Plastic Sheeting or Ram Board to cover floor for mix station; 3-Blade or Bird Cage flat ring bottom style mixing paddle; Low speed ½” drill (Variable Speed < 650 rpm); V-Notch Squeegee for 5 – 7 mil or 8 - 12 mil applications; Premium, Non-Shed, Solvent Resistant 3/8" Nap Paint Roller Covers (i.e. Foam, Mohair, Microfiber, etc.); Paint Roller Frame with Extension Pole; Spiked shoes or Soccer Cleats; Cloth Rags, Dish Soap & water for clean up; 2” Wide Premium Masking Tape or Stucco Vinyl Tape; 2” to 4” Wide Chip Paint Brushes for cutting in edges; 2” to 6” Wide 3/8” nap trim roller & frame for cutting in tight areas; Auto-scrubber or Low Speed Orbital Floor Machine with soft bristle nylon brush head (for degreasing or silicate contamination removal)

  • Apply via roller, brush or HVLP sprayer (vertically with sprayer only)

  • Once mixed, pour out Smith’s Epoxy FW38 in a straight bead onto the area to be coated. Either dip and roll with a 3/8” nap paint roller attached to an extension pole or spread the primer with a flat rubber blade squeegee then back roll with a 3/8” nap paint roller and evenly cover the area. DO NOT MIX MORE MATERIAL THAN CAN BE USED IN 1 HOUR. Allow Smith’s Epoxy FW38 to hard set before proceeding with subsequent layers