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Smith's Products

Surface Prep

Smith's Base Boost

Base Boost

Water Based Blended Silicate Densifier
Product Quantity 1 gal
Colours Clear
Dry Time 15 Minutes DT | 24 Hours FC
SF Or LF 400-800 SF
Area Or Depth /gal
Floor Or Wall Floors & Walls
Interior or Exterior Interior & Exterior
TF Tack Free
RC Recoat
FT Foot Traffic
LT Light Traffic
DT Dry Through
FC Full Cure
HFT Heavy Foot Traffic (Forklift)
VT Vehicular Traffic
FUT Full Traffic
  • Water based Blended Silicate Densifier or adhesion promoter for colour floor/wall & increased stain durability

  • RECOMMENDED USE: Densifier and/or additive for the primary or base colour of Smith’s Color Floor or Color Wall installation

  • NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Highlight colours, nonconcrete, previously coated substrates with residual film formers and areas treated with silicates

  • No VOC; increased durability; polish or burnish; low odour

  • Overnight Deliverable - no Red Label

  • Do not use an acid etch as a cleaning method

  • CD: Apply with pump and spray in circular motion, distribute with push broom or micro pad, re-apply as necessary in absorbed areas, apply until no longer absorbent, manipulate material for 15-20 minutes, do not allow to puddle, dry before polishing and/or burnishings

  • APPLICATION METHOD: INT & Smooth & - apply Green Clean with 1/2" roller cover, allow gel to remain for 20 mins. Pressure Wash Not Acceptable: agitate using floor buffer or auto-scrubber while rinsing with clean water, extract material with wet/dry vac, flush until water is clear, apply base boost with/without color floor: mix 1pt color to 2pts base boost to 2 pts water, apply with airless sprayer, brush or roller. DO NOT ADD SMITH’S BASE BOOST WHEN APPLYING SECONDARY / HIGHLIGHT COLOR

  • Pressure Wash Not Acceptable: agitate using floor buffer or auto-scrubber while rinsing with clean water, extract material with wet/dry vac, flush until water is clear, apply base boost with/without color floor: mix 1pt color to 2pts base boost to 2 pts water, apply with airless sprayer, brush or roller. DO NOT ADD SMITH’S BASE BOOST WHEN APPLYING SECONDARY / HIGHLIGHT COLOR

  • Pressure Wash Acceptable: remove Green Clean with pressure washer, extract with wet/dry vac, dry and tape test, apply base boost with/without color floor:mix 1pt color to 2pts base boost to 2 pts water, apply with airless sprayer, brush or roller. DO NOT ADD SMITH’S BASE BOOST WHEN APPLYING SECONDARY / HIGHLIGHT COLOR

  • For other applications please see TDS