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LabSurface Products

WB Polyurethane

Aqualab PUR Gloss


Water-Based Aliphatic Polyurethane Floor Coating System
Product Quantity 1 gal
Colours Clear
Working Time 20 Minutes
Pot Life 3 Hours
Dry Time 1 Hours TF | 4-24 Hours RC | 4 Hours DT | 24 Hours FT | 7 Hours LT
SF Or LF 800 SF
Area Or Depth 2 mils
Floor Or Wall Floors
Interior or Exterior Interior & Exterior
TF Tack Free
RC Recoat
FT Foot Traffic
LT Light Traffic
DT Dry Through
FC Full Cure
VT Vehicular Traffic
FUT Full Traffic
  • The AQUALAB PUR is a two-component low odour water-based aliphatic (water-based poluol tech) polyurethane floor coating system which has near zero VOC

  • Applied directly on the concrete or as a protective and decorative layer over LABPOX epoxy

  • Protect standard epoxies from staining prematurely

  • VOC-exempt, potential for LEED eligibility

  • Low odour formulation

  • Very high chemical and stain resistance, easier cleanability versus epoxies

  • Protects epoxy coatings by providing a UV barrier that will slow down the yellowing of epoxies

  • Application-friendly with low viscosity and auto-leveling properties reducing the risk of roll marks

  • Impermeability / low moisture sensitivity

  • High density of the product prevents dirt penetration resulting in low maintenance post application

  • 533 SF @ 3 mils

  • 42% solids

  • Apply only when air and floor temperatures are between 16-25oC, and with a relative humidity of less than 80%. If a heated floor is installed, ensure that the system is turned off during application and for the full duration of the cure. It is recommended to apply between 2 and 3 mils per coat (wet). Adding up to 15% of water to A+B will improve ease of application. Any significant variation in thickness may differ results. Two coats are recommended to assure a uniform finish. For applications directly on concrete, test sections should be completed prior to installation as adjustments may be required depending on the porosity of the substrate and field conditions. Dip and roll method is recommended using a 5 mm low nap lint-free roller. It is recommended to apply the product in only one direction (either north-south or east-west). Doing so will ensure uniformity in all planes. Apply evenly without applying pressure to the roller. Avoid creating extra thicknesses or ridges as these will take longer to cure and may remain white after curing. Keep a wet rim during application to minimize the appearance of possible overlap lines. Allow the first coat to harden completely before proceeding with the second coat