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ARDEX Products




Decorative Finishing Compound
Product Quantity 11 lbs
Colours White
Working Time 30 Minutes
Pot Life 30 Minutes
Dry Time 1 Hour Re-Coat | 5 Hours Sand & Seal
SF Or LF 25-35 SF
Area Or Depth 1/8" Thick
Floor Or Wall Walls & Ceilings
Interior or Exterior Interior
Compressive Strength (PSI) Day1 650 | Day7 1150 | Day28 1900
TF Tack Free
RC Recoat
CG Concrete Guard
CD Concrete Dressing
FT Foot Traffic
LT Light Traffic
DT Dry Through
FC Full Cure
HFT Heavy Foot Traffic (Forklift)
VT Vehicular Traffic
FUT Full Traffic
  • ARDEX PANDOMO® W1 is a self-drying, trowel applied finishing compound for walls and ceilings. Formulatedwith a blend of Portland and other hydraulic cements and special re-dispersable powdered polymers, ARDEXPANDOMO W1 exhibits excellent non-sag properties and hardens quickly. ARDEX PANDOMO W1 has excellentadhesion over a wide variety of porous surfaces, including concrete, gypsum plaster, drywall and all types of masonrysurfaces. Use ARDEX PANDOMO W1 for producing highend, creative ARDEX PANDOMO Wall surfaces in areassuch as retail stores, shops, hotels, cafés and vestibules, as well as for residential applications

  • Use to create ARDEX PANDOMO® Wall surfaces on interior walls and ceilings

  • Excellent adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces

  • Fast-setting and self-drying; economical, easy to process, cement-plastic-base

  • Excellent non-sag properties

  • White colour allows a wide range of colours when pigmented with ARDEX PANDOMO® CC Color Concentrates

  • High-yield, optimised formula

  • Portland cement-based

  • For commercial, retail and residential applications

  • Sand and seal after 5 hours

  • Recommended Tools: Mixing and Application: Gram scale, mixing bucket, measuring bucket (85 oz./2.5 L per 11 lb/5 kg. bag), ARDEX T-2 Ring Mixing Paddle, a 1/2” (12 mm) heavy-duty drill (min. 650 rpm), a steel trowel, and an 18” to 24” (45 to 60 cm) drywall/plaster knife. Surface Processing: Festool ROTEX RO 150 FEQ-Plus Hand Sander with vacuum, sanding and burnishing discs, and a lamb’s wool applicator

  • For best results, pre-blend the total anticipated quantity of water with the prescribed amount of ARDEX PANDOMO® CC Color Concentrates to minimize colour variation between batches. Mix each 11 lb. (5 kg) bag with 85 oz. (2.5 liters) of water. Pour the pigmented water in the mixing bucket first, and then add the ARDEX PANDOMO W1 while mixing with an ARDEX T-2 Paddle and a 1/2” (12 mm) heavy-duty drill. Mix thoroughly for approximately 2 to 3 minutes to obtain a lump-free mix, and then allow the product to stand for 1 to 3 minutes. Remix before applying to ensure a creamy consistency. Do not overwater!

  • Pre-smooth the wall surface as necessary. When ARDEX PANDOMO W1 is used for pre-smoothing, allow it to dry a minimum of 60 minutes before priming all surfaces with ARDEX P 51™ PRIMER diluted 1:3 with water. Apply with a roller or paint brush, and allow the primer to dry 1 to 3 hours