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ARDEX Products

Primers & Joint Fillers



Product Quantity 1 gal | 4 gal
Colours Pink
Working Time Unlimited
Pot Life Unlimited
Dry Time 30 Minutes Minimum To 24 Max DT
SF Or LF 400-600 SF | 1600-2400 SF
Area Or Depth Container
Floor Or Wall Floors
Interior or Exterior Interior
TF Tack Free
RC Recoat
CG Concrete Guard
CD Concrete Dressing
FT Foot Traffic
LT Light Traffic
DT Dry Through
FC Full Cure
HFT Heavy Foot Traffic (Forklift)
VT Vehicular Traffic
FUT Full Traffic
  • ARDEX P 51™ is a solvent-free primer for the installation of ARDEX underlayments and toppings over absorbent concrete. *For specialized applications and with select underlayments, ARDEX P 51 also can be used for priming wood, gypsum and non-water soluble adhesive residue over concrete. Non-porous substrates, burnished concrete, non-absorbent terrazzo, quarry and ceramic tile and epoxy coating must be primed with ARDEX P 82™ Ultra Prime

  • For absorbent concrete, wood*, gypsum* and non-water-soluble adhesive residue on concrete*

  • Concentrated primer - dilutes with water

  • Seals the substrate

  • For bonding ARDEX underlayments and toppings to appropriate substrates

  • INSTALLATION GUIDELINES: Shake jug (OR STIR OR MIX), Standard absorbent concrete must be primed with ARDEX P 51 diluted 1:1 with water. Apply evenly with a clean, soft-bristled push broom. Do not use paint rollers, mops or spray equipment. Do not leave any bare spots. Brush off puddles and excess primer. Allow primer to dry to a clear, thin film (min. 30 minutes, max. 24 hours). To determine if the ARDEX P 51 is dry after a minimum of 30 minutes (max. 24 hours), pour water onto the surface of the primer in several areas and rub it with your finger. If the water remains clear, the primer is dry. If the water turns cloudy or milky, additional drying time is needed. Extremely absorbent concrete may require two applications of ARDEX P 51 (the “double-prime” method) to avoid the formation of bubbles and pinholes in the ARDEX Underlayment or Topping. In such cases, make an initial application of ARDEX P 51 diluted with 3 parts by volume of water. Let dry thoroughly (1 to 3 hours) and install a second application of ARDEX P 51 mixed 1:1 with water as stated above